Emergency Maintenance - Sunday 2/23

Internet will not be available at all campuses Sunday 2/23 from 9pm to 10:30pm

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Helping You Get Past the Finish Line

  • I am done with all my requirements. How do I submit my graduation petition request?
  • I took AP exams. How do I get credit?
  • I'm transferring, and need to have my general education courses certified. How can I do that?

If you are asking any of those questions, you’re in the right place. Evaluations makes sure that you are staying on track and helps provide a smooth process for your continued success.

We are currently accepting petitions for degree and certificate evaluation. 

Graduation Petition Filing Periods

Fall: July 1–October  31

Spring: November 1—February 28

Summer: March 1—June 30

ADT Petition Filing Periods

CSU applicants with a declared AA-T or AS-T degree must apply for their ADT by the following deadlines:

Fall applicants: October 1

Spring applicants: February 1

Important note before petitioning: Use the catalog Programs page to verify your major code—you will need this code to petition for graduation.

Petition for your Certificate or Degree

Apply for Degree/Certificate

Completed your requirements — or close to it? Review deadlines and to-do’s.

IGETC/GEBR Certification

Transferring to a CSU or UC school? Find out what you need, and deadlines for submission.

Student Petitions

Information about waiving requirements for your major, graduation or receiving AP/IB credit.

Transcript Evaluation

Need to evaluate your transcript from another school? Visit this page for more info.

Diplomas & Certificates

Information on getting your recently awarded diploma or certificate or requesting a replacement


Forms and third-party websites you may find useful as you evaluate putting your credits to use.

Graduation Check

Find out how to book an appointment to determine if you are close to completing requirements.

Counseling Office

Speak to an academic advisor about your education plan and graduation readiness.

Virtual Chat

We are here to support each of our student’s needs. Chat live on Cranium Café by finding an online staff member below. To learn more, visit the Virtual Welcome Center. Our student service specialists have their hours of availability listed on their profile cards. If a team member's hours are not reflective of their availability, they are likely supporting another student. We give each of our students the individual attention and time they deserve. Thank you for your patience.

Enter Evaluations Lobby

The Evaluations Office is located in the Cesar Chavez Student Services Building, First Floor.