Chula Vista Campus - Open 4/24

In-person Chula Vista classes resume Wednesday 4/24 as scheduled. Student services available remotely through Cranium Cafe.

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Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

For the full DAAPP report please follow the link below:

What are the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools Act?

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Federal Regulations require that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an institution of higher learning must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.

What is Southwestern College’s program?

The district is committed to providing its employees, students, student workers and volunteers with a drug-free workplace and campus environment. It emphasizes prevention and intervention through education.

The district shall be free from all illegal drugs and the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances and alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages, by employees, students, student workers, and volunteers, are only permitted on district property or facilities used for district-sponsored events in the following cases:

  • The alcoholic beverages are served or sold during an event sponsored by the Southwestern College Development and Foundation Office, and the Foundation has secured the appropriate licensing.
  • The alcoholic beverage is for use during a non-college event at a district facility and leased to a nonprofit public benefit corporation who acquires the proper insurance and legal requirements for alcoholic beverage distribution.

Alcoholic beverages will not be served or sold to anyone under the age of 21 years. The organizers of events involving alcoholic beverages will exercise due diligence in ensuring that personal safety and conduct issues are addressed, including providing security personnel at the discretion of the district. No alcoholic beverage can be acquired, possessed, or used at an athletic event sponsored by the district.

What conduct does Southwestern College’s program prohibit?

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or any controlled substance is prohibited on district property, during district-sponsored field trips, activities or workshops, and in any facility or vehicle operated by the district, except as permitted in Governing Board Policy 5007, Alcoholic Beverages.

What are the legal sanctions under local, state or federal law for using illicit drugs or alcohol at Southwestern College?

Any employee, student, student worker or volunteer who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action (consistent with local, state, or federal law), which may include referral to an appropriate rehabilitation program, suspension, demotion, expulsion or dismissal.

Violation of this prohibition will result in appropriate action up to and including termination of employment, expulsion, and referral for prosecution, or, as permitted by law, may require satisfactory participation in an alcohol or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.

What are the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol?

All substances of abuse alter consciousness and mood and can lead to physical and/or psychological dependency. The unpleasant side effects do not mean substances will not be abused. Health-related and psychological effects are major concerns when individuals choose to abuse alcohol and drugs.

  • Methamphetamine: Produces stimulant effects. However, the long-term psychological effects can include confusion, memory loss, learning difficulties, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, and paranoia. This drug reportedly suppresses the need to eat, drink, or sleep and may lead to severe dehydration and heat stroke (body temperatures can reach 107-109 degrees Fahrenheit.) An overdose is characterized by rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, faintness, muscle cramping, panic attacks, and in more severe cases, loss of consciousness or seizures.
  • Alcohol: Acts as a depressant, affects mood, dulls the senses, and impairs coordination, reflexes, memory, and judgment. Alcohol dilates blood vessels increasing heat loss and flushing, is an anti-diuretic and interferes with hormones. More serious effects may be damage to the liver, kidneys, pancreas and the brain. On average, heavy drinkers shorten their life spans by approximately 10 years.
  • Marijuana: Prolonged use can lead to severe psychological dependence. An immediate increase in heart and pulse rate may cause an acute panic anxiety reaction. Marijuana causes impairment of memory, altered sense of time and an inability to concentrate. It may cause apathy/loss of motivation and broncho-dilation. Circulatory changes are similar to that seen with stress, dryness of mouth/throat, and red eyes. Chronic lung exposure impairs airflow. Marijuana has carcinogens and toxic compounds and can result in decreased testosterone levels, diminished sperm count and abnormal sperm.
  • Cocaine: Causes increased heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Causes chronic runny nose and membrane infections. Overdose may result in seizures, heart failure, coma or death.
  • Opiates: Users are highly susceptible to physical dependence. Drugs may cause infections of the skin, liver, heart and lungs. Nausea, emesis, constipation, and respiratory depression are usual causes of death.
  • Tobacco: Causes shortness of breath, nagging cough, and heart difficulties. Long-term effects may be emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease and cancer. Causes an increase in asthma and allergy-related symptoms, stroke, slowed wound healing, infertility, peptic ulcer disease, and pneumonia.

What counseling, treatment or rehabilitation or re-entry programs are there at Southwestern College?

Violation of this prohibition as permitted by law may require satisfactory participation in an alcohol or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Employee Assistance Program provides services available for employees with chemical dependency, Tel. No. 888-625-4809 or access code: VEBA

Health services provide confidential individual counseling for students who have questions or concerns about their use of alcohol or use of other substances, referral to community resources such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, and smoking cessation information and referral.

Below are the community resources available:

Access & Crisis Line S.D. County 888-724-7240

Crisis Text Line: Text COURAGE or HOME TO 741741

Alcoholic Anonymous 619-265-8762

Narcotic Anonymous 619-584-1007

ALANON (Recovery program for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help) 619-296-2666

South Bay Recovery (McAlister Institute) 619-691-8164

Smart Recovery (Alternative to AA) 858-546-1100 Option 2

Practical Recovery (Includes Smart Recovery & Collaborative Addiction Treatment) 1-800-977-6110

Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Press 1